Wizards of Waverly Place Wiki
Wizards of Waverly Place Wiki

Every wiki in Fandom is overseen by their own administrations, and that includes the Wizards of Waverly Place Wiki. The administration consists of five types of users; bureaucrats, administrators, and content moderators, thread moderators, and rollbacks.

Current administration

The status of each member is updated every month.

Member name Position Tenure Status
MrOrganize Bureaucrat March 17, 2023 Active
MalxBertha Bureaucrat April 13, 2024 Active
JoeTDaFan Bureaucrat April 13, 2024 Active
Boredooo Bureaucrat April 13, 2024 Active
WarriorPrincess30 Content Moderator September 30, 2024 Active


Status Description
Active These users log on frequently to edit and browse the wiki, and, hence, are the best ones to contact.
Partially Active These users do not log on all the time, though are still relatively frequent.
Inactive These users are who have not been consistently active or online on the wiki for a long period of time.
Away These users are currently away (such as on vacation, etc.), but will return shortly. It's unlikely they will edit or respond to messages, except for rare occasions.


Bureaucrats are Senior Administrators that have the ability to promote Users to Administrators. They have the ability to promote and remove rollback, Content Moderator, Thread Moderator, and administrator rights, as well as promoting users to bureaucrat. While they cannot directly remove another user's bureaucrat status, they can remove their own.


Administrators are Users who are equipped with tools and privileges for the wiki's overall moderation, design and customization, and promoting users to the "Thread Moderator" and "Rollback" roles. Administrators can block users if they’re in violation of the rules and policies and are also considered "Patrollers".

Content Moderators

Content Moderators are Users who monitor the wiki's content such as articles/pages, templates, files (images/videos), and anything else that would be seen on the editorial side of a wiki. Content Moderators are equipped with certain privileges that can assist them in preserving the wiki's content such as:

  • Editing and moving fully protected pages
  • Deleting and restoring pages and files
  • Editing and moving protected files
  • Protecting and unprotecting pages
  • Deleting and restoring article and blog comments
  • Deleting, restoring, editing, locking, and unlocking message wall threads

Thread Moderators

Thread Moderators are Users that monitor the Discussions Center and comment sections on articles to ensure discussions and posts are appropriate and safe for our community to read and engage with.


Rollbacks are Users that are selected to shadow or obverse Moderators and/or Administrators on their responsibilities. Despite Rollbacks only having one more technical privilege than normal users, they play a role within the administration and will assist in tasks that are administrative related. Rollbacks will have the opportunity to earn a higher position within the administration depending on their activity and contributions.
