Wizards of Waverly Place Wiki

"Wizards Exposed" is the twenty-eighth and final episode of Season 3 of Wizards of Waverly Place and the seventy-ninth overall episode of the series. It first aired on October 15, 2010.


The episode begins with Harper bringing home-made hats that she and the gang could use on their double date. However, Alex says that she and Mason will not be wearing them. After Zeke and Mason go shopping to get Mason body spray since he smells like a dog (because he doesn't know Mason is a werewolf), government agents raid the Sub Station and Agent Lamwood reveals that the U.S. government knows that the Russo family are wizards and arrests them (except Harper who at the moment was upstairs).

At a secret government facility, the Russo's are brought to an interrogation.

  • Max, as usual, acts like himself and when asked how wizards get their powers, he talks about how Jerry makes them gain extra weight in the winter in order to keep heating costs down;
  • Alex tricks the agents into giving her a burger with fries and soda, after which she declares that she will tell them nothing;
  • Unfortunately, Justin is tricked because of his obsession with aliens invading the Earth and exposes magic to the government.

Back at the Magic Lair, Harper is trying to contact the Wizard world when Mason comes in. Being informed that the Russos had been captured, Mason passes through the portal to warn Professor Crumbs. A few moments later, government agents come and raid the magical community but Harper escapes capture by using magical items as a disguise.

Meanwhile, back at the government facility, the Russo family escapes and goes to a hall where other wizards are also chained, including Professor Crumbs and Chancellor Rootie Tootietootie. Agent Lamwood and the other agents arrive, with Mason as their prisoner. Using a magic cootie catcher, Alex casts a duplication spell to escape the agents. A scientist helps the Russos' escape; the family goes through a secret escape hatch, and they end up emerging in the middle of a desert. Realizing they cannot go home, the group is stuck on what they should do next until Alex convinces them that they need to expose their magic in public in order to convince the authorities and the public to free the other wizards whom the government has unlawfully detained.


Main Cast[]

Recurring Cast[]

Guest Cast[]


  • Edgebono Utoosis - The ability to duplicate any object or individual.
  • This is season three's finale.
  • The episode is left on a cliffhanger.
  • This is the last episode to have the same intro; season four introduced a different one.
  • When Max exposed wizardry to Nancy Lukey 10 episodes earlier in Max's Secret Girlfriend, he was not put in trial. Justin even quotes this episode's title in Max's Secret Girlfriend, in the sentence, "We cannot be wizards exposed." Wizardry is also exposed in "Alex's Choice" where under the truth spell, Alex admits she's a wizard to her classmates at a tea party, in "Back to Max" where Maxine and Professor Crumbs are both magically reverted back to their real ages in front of lots of people or "Harper Knows" where Alex confesses to her best friend and mortal, Harper (Jennifer Stone) that she's a wizard. Also, there are lots of other episodes where they perform magic in the presence of normal people, like in the hallways in school.
  • The only time that there are consequences for exposing magic is in this episode and "Alex Tells the World" when Justin and Alex expose the wizarding world because they believe the world is under attack or that their wizard friends are being held against their will by the government. Even though it turns out to be a fake situation made up to test the Russo siblings.
  • In all the times that the Russo family actually exposes magic, they are never punished, whereas when they are pressured under terrifying circumstances in a test, Justin and Alex are punished by being forced to start at level one in their family's wizard competition.


Behind the scenes[]
