Hello Wizards of/Beyond Waverly Place Wiki Editors, Readers, and Fans, we hope everyone is doing well. It's been a while since our last update blog, but the community has been hard at work to prepare for the premiere of Wizards Beyond Waverly Place. We have a lot to announce and discuss, so let's get right into it!
Please use the table of contents to help navigate through the sections of this blog.
Premiere of Wizards Beyond Waverly Place[]
This week is the official and global premiere of Wizards Beyond Waverly Place! It feels just like yesterday that the spin off was announced, and the memories started to flow of the original series; Wizards of Waverly Place. October 29, 2024, will air the series premiere and first two episodes of Season 1 also known as Everything is Not What it Seems and Mortal Vibes Only. Below is a list of time zones of when the show will officially air.
- 8:00 & 8:30 PM Eastern Standard Time (EST)
- 7:00 & 7:30 PM Central Standard Time (CST)
- 5:00 & 5:30 PM Pacific Standard Time (PST)
Don't see your time zone? Click here to convert your time.
Be Aware, Spoilers are Here![]
Please be aware that throughout the season, our content WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS, episode pages will have a "Spoiler" template located on the top of the article and will remain until 3 days after the episode's airing. For episodes that released early on Disney+, the template will remain until the TV airing of that episode.
Starting October 30, 2024, the first 8 episodes will release on Disney+, meaning episodes 3-8 will be released before they air on TV, resulting in more spoilers for those who do not have access to Disney+. Spoilers may also be seen on Character, Location, and/or Spell articles if they were involved in the episode. Be cautious of comment sections as well!
There are two different templates to let our readers know which episodes have recently aired on TV or Disney+
Recently Aired on Televison/Cable:
JoeTDaFan/Wizards Beyond Waverly Place Premiere Week has recently aired on TV, and this page may contain spoilers. Continue reading at your own risk!
Released on Disney+ ahead of a TV premiere:
JoeTDaFan/Wizards Beyond Waverly Place Premiere Week was released on Disney+, but has yet to air on TV, therefore, this page may contain spoilers. Continue reading at your own risk!
Discord Watch Party[]
Back in September we announced our discord server for all editors, fans, readers, and fans of the Wizards of Waverly Place franchise. We thank everyone who has joined so far and hope we continue to grow the server. One of our plans for the discord server is to have a "live watch party" during episode premieres on TV. There is a text channel dedicated for this in the server called "watch-party".
Otherwise, you can join the server and share your favorite memories, moments, characters, episodes, or anything else with fellow fans of the Wizards of Waverly Place franchise.
Wiki Announcements, Changes, Updates[]
Theme & Design[]
Depending on how often you visit our wiki, you may have noticed some changes involving the wiki's overall theme and design such as:
- An updated Main Page, including a New Slider, Cast Portal for both Wizards of/Beyond Waverly Place, News Feed section, and Wizards of Waverly Place Spotify API. We want to give our greatest thanks to BubblegumPop96 of the Hannah Montana wiki for her approval, consent, and cooperation to allow us to give the wiki a brand new interactive and accessible experience.
- Wiki Cosmetics & Design: Light and Dark mode users both can experience new background colors, banner, accent color (infoboxes and toolbar), and new link colors.
- Navigation (TopNav) bar has been updated to help users and readers navigate through our shortcuts to the wiki's content.
We're always looking for feedback on how our changes affect our editors and readers, so if you have any questions, concerns, thoughts, or suggestions about anything on the wiki, reach out to us!
Minor Character Page Relocation[]
Minor (non-significant) character articles have been moved and can be found on the Minor Characters - Wizards of Waverly Place page. Old articles for the characters will now redirect to the article mentioned. Huge credit to Starwarder for his hard work on this project.
Nostalgia Fever (Wizards of Waverly Place)[]
Not everyone may be excited or interested in Wizards Beyond Waverly Place and that's understandable. Hopefully the show can change some minds and still give off a similar vibe of when you watch Wizards of Waverly Place, however no matter what show you're a fan of, all of our content is always going to be treated the same and equally.
Since April 2024, our editors and administration have updated information, infoboxes, galleries, page formats, and templates on any content related to Wizards of Waverly Place. Despite Beyond Waverly Place being in the spotlight, we always want to honor what got this franchise, wiki, passion for loving the show started. We will always maintain the content from WOWP and ensure it's always available, organized, and accurate for our editors, readers and fans.
Stay up to date on what changes are happening to the Wizards of Waverly Place Wiki.
Wiki Staff Additions[]
Our wiki team has grown! Please welcome to the team:
- WarriorPrincess30 (Content Moderator) - WarriorPrincess has been editing on the wiki since January 29, 2024, and has made thousands of edits to our articles involving category management, image and gallery addition & clean up, and updating information when needed.
We're always looking for users to join our team based on these qualifications:
- A consistent pattern of activity.
- Good faith edits and contributions (Contributions that are meaningful, accurate, helpful, and have positive intentions).
- Willingness to learn and receive feedback based on your edits and understanding of wiki policy.
- No prior blocks.
Think you're a good example of any of those qualifications? reach out to a Wiki bureaucrat for more information. We'll give you feedback on whether or not you're eligible for a role on our team!
Stay Connected[]
- Official Wizards Beyond Waverly Place Instagram
- Official Disney Channel Facebook
- Fan Subreddit
- Fan Twitter
- Fan Discord Server
- Wiki Planning Board