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Wizards of Waverly Place Wiki
Gilesjay Timesday
Name: Gilesjay Timesday
Spell: Time Freezing spell
Type: Time Spell
Incantation: Gilesjay Timesday
Description: Freezes time (except for the user) until the user stops hopping on one foot (because Dr. Jay Giles had only one leg).
Effect: Freeze time without freezing yourself
FirstAppearances: Credit Check
LastAppearances: Who Will Be The Family Wizard

Gilesjay Timesday is a time freezing spell. It was developed by Dr. Jay Giles, who only had one leg. When faced with a situation and time is running out, it gives you the ability to freeze time without freezing yourself as long as you stay on one leg. The spell will end even if you fall without placing your other leg down first.


In "Credit Check" it's used by Alex to freeze the time and change the cloth of Harper's models.

In "Who Will Be The Family Wizard" Alex uses it to take the lead to Max and Justin in the race.


  • Alongside McReary-Time Reary, this is one of only two spells in the entire series that is time-related.
  • In "Zeke Finds Out" Justin is shown to be able to freeze time non-verbally, unlike the verbal Gilesjay Timesday spell which requires the user to hop on one leg in order to keep time frozen.