Jiada is the official romantic pairing between Justin and Giada Russo.
Justin Russo first met Giada sometime after the Family Wizard Competition. Justin fell in love with Giada sometime after his break up with Juliet van Heusen and getting fired from WizTech. Then at some point, Justin married Giada. Then later on their first son, Roman Russo, was born. Then at some point their second son, Milo Russo, was born.
Season One[]
In Everything is Not What it Seems, on the morning of Justin's 34th birthday, Giada says "Happy Birthday, J-Man" to Justin.
In Mortal Vibes Only, after Giada and Justin came home from grocery shopping, Justin sees that Billie accidentally erase half of Roman and Milo's bodies with an erasing potion. Then Billie walks in her wand saying "I found my wand. Justin, it is not what it looks like" to Justin who replies "Giada is right outside give me your wand." Then Justin takes Billie's wand and cast a spell with Billie's wand to reveal the rest of Roman and Milo's body. When Justin casts the spell Giada walks in with groceries in her hands and drops the groceries on the floor. Then Giada questions Justin what is going on and Justin comes clean to Giada by telling her the truth that he admits that he should have told her a long time ago that he is a Wizard. Then Giada is so shocked when Justin admits that he is a Wizard.
Wizards of Waverly Place[]
Season 1[]
Everything is Not What it Seems[]
Mortal Vibes Only[]
Saved by the Spell[]
Something Wizard This Way Comes[]
Wizards Just Wand to Have Fun[]
The Legend of Creepy Follows[]
We're Gonna Need a Bigger Float[]
You Can't Handle the Tooth![]
Wiz-Taken Identity[]
Ain't Gnome Party Like a Wizard Party[]
Potions Eleven[]
Battle of the Wands[]
There's Something About the Russos[]
Ready Player Wand[]
Quest Birthday Ever![]
While You Were Sleepcasting[]
Hit Me With Your Best Bot[]
- Justin walks in the kitchen and says to Giada "Hey love, I'll be right back. I have to go to the Wizard Market."
- Right before Justin leaves he kisses Giada on the cheek.
- Giada and Justin is similar to Justin Russo's parents Jerry and Theresa in some ways both ships involve a wizard and a mortal who fell in love as adults and the wizard gave up their powers to become a mortal and ended up marrying a mortal. The biggest difference between the two ships is that Jerry told Theresa that he is a wizard before he had to give up his powers so he can marry Theresa while Justin never told Giada that he is a Wizard before they got married. Justin kept the Russo Family secret that they are a family of Wizards a secret from Giada for years before he told her the truth about his family secret.
- In Alex in the Middle, Justin laughed when he found out that his father Jerry Russo gave up his powers so he can marry a human since wizards can't marry non-wizards. Ironically, Justin ends up giving up his power and married a human years later.
- Justin has a photo frame with a picture of him and Giada on his work desk at Greenwald Middle School.[1]
- According to Mimi Gianopulos who plays Giada Russo confirmed in an interview how Giada and Justin first met and got together will be revealed at some point in the first season. [2]
- Mimi Gianopulos also confirmed that Giada and Justin have a romantic anniversary dinner in one episode in Season 1.[3]
- According to David Henrie who plays Justin Russo in a interview described Justin's marriage to Giada as a loving and serious relationship.[4]
- Both Giada and Justin are part Italian.[5]
- Both Giada and Justin were born around a holiday. Justin was born sometime before Halloween which means his birthday is around Halloween. Giada was born on Black Friday.
- Both Giada and Justin have fall birthdays.
- Although they have a good relationship, neither were very forthcoming about their respective pasts, as Justin hid his Wizard heritage, and Giada is constantly revealing past personal facts about herself no one in her family previously knew.
- In Potions Eleven, it was revealed that Justin first met Giada sometime after he got fired from WizTech.
- In There's Something About the Russos, it was revealed that Justin was wearing a grey shirt when he first met Giada.
- In There's Something About the Russos, Giada and Justin celebrate their 15th wedding anniversary.
- According to the original timeline it doesn't make sense they have been married for 15 years because Justin turns 34 in Everything is Not What it Seems which means Justin was 19 years old when he married Giada. In the original series when Justin was 19 years old, he was dating Rosie then he got back together with Juliet van Heusen before the Family Wizard Competition.
- Justin's nickname for Giada is "Love" because she is the love of his life.
Wizards Beyond Waverly Place[]
Season 1[]
Everything is Not What it Seems[]
Giada: Happy birthday, J-Man.
Justin: You remembered my birthday.
Giada: How could I forget? You send me four calendar invites.
Justin: Well, you do know that coordinating family logistics is my love language.
Mortal Vibes Only[]
Giada: Justin?
Justin: Giada. It's not what it looks like!
Giada: You just did magic.
Justin: Okay it is what it's looks like.
Giada: Justin, what is going on?
Justin: Look there's something I should have told you a long time ago. I'm a Wizard.
Giada: A Wizard?
Justin: I know. It sounds crazy.
Giada: Yes, it does.
Justin: But it's true.
Giada: I don't even... I don't even know what this is.
Justin: Giada, Giada, wait. I...
Giada: You expect me to believe there is a wizard world that exists outside of our own? Like Harry Potter?
Justin: Well, not close enough that they could sue. Right? But yeah.
Giada: It's not funny, Justin. I feel like I don't even know you.
Justin: No. You do know me, okay? I am the same man that you married. Except also a wizard.
Giada: I just don't understand why you didn't tell me.
Justin: Because that part of my life... it didn't go the way that I planned. So, I left it in the past. Or at least I thought I did, but then Alex showed up with Billie, and she asked me to train her and--
Giada: Wait, Alex is a wizard?
Justin: I know, it's shocking.
Giada: No, that's the first thing you said that makes any sense. She's way too cool to be a dog-walker.
Justin: Look, I'm very sorry that I kept this from you.
Giada: I have so many questions.
Justin: And I promise I will answer them all, all right? No more secrets. I promise.
Saved by the Spell[]
Giada: Let me get this straight. Your dad was a wizard, but your mom wasn't. Your sister's a Wizard, but your brother isn't. And you weren’t supposed to be a wizard after you lost the family competition, but you got to keep your powers because you were named the youngest headmaster in the history of WizTech until you got fired?
Justin: I prefer to say "Got let go," but, uh, yeah, you got the gist of it.
Giada: This is overwhelming.
Justin: Giada. Love listen I know all this wizard stuff can be a lot but, I promise you nothing is going to change.
Milo: Check it out, Billie gave me a tail.
Giada: Nothing's going to change?
Justin: Okay, that was unfortunate timing.
Justin: Giada give me your purse.
Giada: This was a mother's day present.
Something Wizard This Way Comes[]
Wizards Just Wand to Have Fun[]
The Legend of Creepy Follows[]
Giada: Hi, I'm here from W-O-W-P News. Is this Principal Russo's office? [chuckles] I know it is. I just love saying that!
Justin: Not half as much as I love hearing it. Uh, but what are you doing here? My interview isn't until this afternoon.
Giada: I just came to help you get prepped before the crew gets here.
Justin: Oh, good idea. And don't hold back, okay? Hit me with one of those famous Giada Russo "gotcha" questions.
Giada: Hmm. [inhales] Is it part of your job requirement to be so darn cute?
Justin: Giada.
Giada: Gotcha.
Justin: Let's keep it professional, okay? I... I want people to see me as Greenwald Middle's innovative new principal, who just happens to be cute.
Giada: Okay, so, what I'll really do is start with a basic intro, and then I'll ask you a few simple questions, like, "How will Badger Book help make things easier "for educators and students?"
Justin: Well, Badger Book utilizes a cutting-edge algorithm that allows students and parents to connect with faculty in a collaborative digital space.
Giada: Could you say that again? I was too busy wondering if you are free for dinner tonight.
Justin: Giada! Maybe go interview some of the students and get their thoughts on Badger Book. Also, I am not free for dinner tonight. I'm going out with my beautiful wife.
Giada: [gasps] Russo, you are good.
We're Gonna Need a Bigger Float[]
You Can't Handle the Tooth![]
Wiz-Taken Identity[]
Ain't Gnome Party Like a Wizard Party[]
Giada: All right, Russo, the garage isn’t gonna clean itself. Unless it did.
Justin: Giada, if Billie can't use magic outside of the lair, neither can I.
Giada groaning sigh
Justin: All right? Besides, I've got a crevice attachment for my super vac that I have been dying to use.
Giada: I haven’t see a twinkle like that in your eye since you proposed.
Potions Eleven[]
Giada: How did it go? Ahh, I'm guessing not well.
Justin: Actually, it was incredible.
Giada: Really?
Justin: Yeah, I'm not sure if it was the fall or the explosion, but the most amazing thing happened.
Giada: Wha-- You were in an explosion?
Justin: That's why the school board decided to keep the STEM program. They said that I was proof that more science education was needed in schools.
Giada: Well, I'm just glad you're okay.
Justin: I'm better than okay. You remember the unicorn incident?
Giada: Yeah, the reason you got fir-- let go from WizTech.
Justin: That's the one. Out of nowhere, I remembered something! It wasn't my fault. Alistair Goodspeed framed me.
Giada: Honey, you're kidding. This is huge.
Justin: Yeah, I spent the last 15 years thinking I messed up. That when people needed me, I let them down. I gave up being a wizard because of it. And now, now it's like this huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders.
Giada: So you never should have been fired from WizTech.
Justin: Yeah, exactly!
Giada: But if you hadn't been fired, we never would have met.
Justin: Yeah. Exactly. We wouldn't have this amazing life with Roman, Milo, and Billie. Want to hear something crazy?
Giada: Hmm?
Justin: I think getting fired from WizTech was the best thing that ever happened to me.
Giada: Well, I know it was the best thing to ever happen to me.
Justin tries to hug Giada before she stops him
Giada: I love you but can we save that hug for after you've showered?
Justin: It's a good call. I have to warn Alex about Alistair. He shouldn't be anywhere near that tribunal.
Wizards Beyond Waverly Place[]
Season 1[]
Screen Caps[]
Wizards Beyond Waverly Place[]
Season 1[]
Behind the Scenes[]
- ↑ https://youtu.be/o3PzIMHXrXQ?si=P74YtBZgwOZHlYR3 (Time Stamp: 10:20-10:23)
- ↑ https://youtu.be/0p4XH6RbUao?si=SqinpO6UlapFkpBB
- ↑ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrTVtqAS4m0&list=LL&index=1&t=7s
- ↑ https://www.upi.com/amp/Entertainment_News/TV/2024/11/08/david-henrie-wizards-beyond-waverly-place-disney-interview/2791729617802/
- ↑ https://stylecaster.com/entertainment/tv-movies/1234728138/what-happened-justin-russo-wizards-beyond-waverly-place/