Wizards of Waverly Place Wiki
Wizards of Waverly Place Wiki
Cerebellum Erasus

Cerebellum Erasus
Simplify your mind, leave that thought behind
(first name) (second name) clean the slate, meet again, and change your fate


Erases all recent memories of the people around the user, along with the user.


Do what you say, say what you mean, one thing leads to another, remember

First mention

"The Supernatural"

Cerebellum Erasus, also known as the "Amnesia spell", is a spell used to erase the memories of people. In Spanish, the spell is "Cerebellim Anulasis".


Justin used this spell in the season one episode "The Supernatural" to erase the memories of all the people watching the baseball game for the last few minutes as they witnessed Alex and Justin using their powers. However, the memories of Justin, Alex and Jerry were also deleted in the process.

Stevie uses a similar spell in "Eat to the Beat" to make Harper forget that she is a wizard. This spell will only erase the memory of Harper until Alex returns her memories in the next episode. Stevie's spell differed from Justin's in that it only removed a single person's memory, and only one memory was removed.

Justin Russo used a similar spell on his parents as well as Talia Robinson's parents, so that Max Russo could reintroduce his parents in a better perspective than his previous attempt. The incantation he used was: (first name) (second name) clean the slate, meet again, and change your fate

The wishes that Alex made in "Justin's Little Sister" made everyone forget who Justin was, except her, essentially acting as a "mass amnesia spell."

Alex also casts a spell with the family wand in "Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie", making her parents forget each other or that they had kids, which also acted as an "amnesia spell."

In "Potions Eleven", it's revealed Justin's colleague Alistair Goodspeed used the spell to wipe his memory of his own wand getting hexed so that he could take over WizTech and Justin would go on thinking the whole incident was his fault. Because memories were stored in the form of DVDs, Bilie uncovered the missing footage, which also restored Justin's memory of what happened.

In "There's Something About the Russos", Billie cast this spell to make Bella Bianchi forget witnessing her use magic. According to Billie and Justin, the spell can only erase the memory of the last hour.
