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Wizards of Waverly Place Wiki
Wizardswp 6
Character Statistics
Talents: Magic, wizardy, spellcasting, teleportation, shapeshifting, telekineses, enchantment
Lives In: The wizard world because Justin met her at the wizard seminar.
Ex-Boyfriends: Justin (due to Justin dating Juliet)
Production Info
First Appearance: Only in a video game called "Wizards of Waverly Place: Spellbound"
Last Appearance: Only in a video game called "Wizards of Waverly Place: Spellbound"

Amy is a character in the Wizards of Waverly Place DS game sequel called "Wizards of Waverly Place: Spellbound". Amy is a wizard, and Justin met Amy at the Wizard Seminar and called her quite the talented wizard. Alex said that she has met her because she almost got in trouble for helping her earlier, which she did because she turned her back into her regular form because she was in hamster form, but she laughed after being transformed back and Alex said if she did it on purpose. She and Alex were both entering the wizard fashion show, but she was actually jealous of Alex's dress, so she tries to get rid of it. At one point in the game when Justin and her were on a date, she was getting upset because nobody was complimenting her dress, so Justin casted a look-alike spell and told her that he liked her dress as a different person. Then, Justin came back to her and Amy told Justin, "Let's go for a walk shall we", and they did. Afterwards, they see a hamster trying to cross the street, so Amy asks Justin to freeze the cars, which allowed the hamster to cross the street safely. This shows that she has a soft side. Afterwards, she tells Justin that she wants to go back to his house, and they did. Alex recovers her dress, and Alex knew it was her all along. At the end of the game, she and Alex had a magic fight and Alex wins.

They both accidentally turn some security guards into hamsters, and she and Alex had to team up to catch them. After all the hamsters were captured, Amy and Alex entered the fashion show and Alex won, but Amy seemed to take it pretty cool. Amy does not seem to be evil, but she was really jealous of Alex. After Amy lost, she started dating Justin, but later became Justin's ex-girlfriend since Justin is with Juliet. Amy has blond hair and blue eyes. Her wand is semi-skinny and mocha-colored. Amy is the first female teenage wizard villain in the series, the second is Stevie Nichols. The reason for this is that Justin dates Juliet during season 2 and Stevie appears during season 3, so Amy must have dated Justin before he dated Juliet and since Stevie arrived after Juliet, this makes Amy the first female villain teen wizard in the series.

Amy has never been seen in any of the other Wizards of Waverly Place franchise except for Wizards of Waverly Place: Spellbound, a Nintendo DS game that is still for sale and is playable for Nintendo DS, Nintendo DSI, and Nintendo 3DS/2DS. It is unknown if Amy became a full wizard or if she won the wizard competition or if she just didn't have any siblings at all which can earn her full wizard powers. Amy had talent (Justin said so) and she never gave up on getting rid of Alex's dress. Amy might have gotten a job in the fashion industry, or as a detective, because she kept her actions a secret and because she knows how to act. When she was with Alex, she acted innocent and almost no one thought that it was her, but Alex figured out that Amy was sabotaging her dress. So Amy could have gotten a Job as a fashion industry worker, actress, detective, or wizard, but it is unknown if she became any of these things or something else.

Some people are confused because the hair fashion and clothes of Alex are based on season 3 and in this game Justin dates Amy, but Justin dated Juliet since season 2, and it's just a hairstyle. Alex has magical powers, so she can probably give herself whatever hairstyle she wants, but this game did take place before season 2, because Justin dated Juliet in season 2, so Amy had to have dated Justin before he dated Juliet. Amy must have dated Justin during the end of season 1 or at the beginning of season 1, but the beginning of season 2 makes more sense because Gigi was the first video game villain, so it would make sense if Amy arrived after her. Gigi was still in season 2, so Amy must have appeared sometime in between of the beginning of season 2 after Gigi left and before Juliet arrived. It is just an assumption, but she did arrive before the middle of season 2 when Juliet arrived.

Amy's appearance resembles Juliet's, Amy's dress looks a lot like Juliet's, and both Juliet and Amy have blonde hair, but Amy has short hair. Their eyes are both blue.

Amy and GiGi have many things in common, Gigi is the original Wizards of Waverly Place DS game villain and Amy is the main villain of the sequel. Both GiGi and Amy have blond hair and they both are villains, but Amy is a wizard and GiGi is a human.
