Wizards of Waverly Place Wiki
Wizards of Waverly Place Wiki

"Alex's Spring Fling" is the nineteenth episode of Season 1 of Wizards of Waverly Place. It first aired on July 20, 2008.


Riley breaks up with Alex, seeing she is jealous all the time. She plans to make him jealous and transforms a mannequin into a man with the animation spell, naming him Manny Kin. However, he falls in love with her and develops emotions, which prevents Alex from being able to change Manny back into a mannequin. Alex then tries to make Manny fall in love with Calico Woman, Justin's precious action figure, by animating her too. Riley realizes that he himself got jealous and decided to go back with Alex. Meanwhile, Justin is left in charge of the house when his parents go out of town, and his position of authority goes to his head. A wild goose chase ensues




Main Cast

Guest Starring

  • Brian Kubach as Riley (final appearance)
  • Shan Leyons as Brad Sherwood (cameo)
  • Lauren Phillips as Calico Girl
  • Matt Smith as Manny Kin




  • Murrieta-animata - Brings an inanimate object to life.
  • Garibay Immobilitay - Takes an inanimate object that has previously been brought to life and makes it inanimate again.
  • Murrieta-animata grande - Brings an inanimate object to life and makes it life-size.

Production Notes[]

  • When an inanimate object comes to life, it develops an attachment with you.


  • This is the first episode where Harper and Max interact with each other.
  • This is Riley's last appearance on the show.
  • Jerry and Theresa do not appear in this episode, though they were mentioned by Justin.
  • Alex already learned the spell "Murrieta Animata" as well as its counter-charm "Garibay Immobilitay" nine episodes earlier in “Pop Me and We Both Go Down," but she tells Justin she doesn't know what the spell does when he quizzed her on it in this episode.


Behind the scenes[]
